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A Prayer for Surrender


Adapted from John Wesley's (1703-1791) Covenant Prayer.

Jesus said, "I come to do Thy will" with no personal limitations outside of God's will. To be like Christ is to be perfectly satisfied with God's will in any and every circumstance. Believers don't want some of the circumstances listed in this prayer but the prayer consists of what we should want to want according to God's will for us.

A Prayer of Surrender

I do not belong to myself, but to You.

Give me any situation in any class of society.

Let me serve by working or serve by suffering.

Let me be used by You or set aside by You.

Let me be exalted for You or humbled for You.

Give me food to eat or let me starve.

Give me all things or give me nothing.

I freely and with my whole heart give up all that I have,

And all that I am, to do Your will and advance Your plan.

And now, O glorious and blessed God,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

You are mine, and I am Yours. So let it be.

Let the covenant that You have made with me on earth,

Be completed and perfected in heaven.  Amen

A More Common Prayer

I do not belong to myself, but to You.

Give me the situation I want,

(and I will now elucidate it for You).

Let me serve by working,

(but let it be pleasurable and lucrative for me).

Let me be used by You,

(in the way I think is best).

Let me be exalted for You,

(but never humbled).

Give me food to eat,

(but never let me starve).

Give me all things,

(that I think are wise).

I freely and with my whole heart give up all that I have,

(especialy those things I don't want anyway),

And all that I am,

(except what I deem to be important to Your plan),



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