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Be Still and Know


“Be Still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10a)

The command to "be still" means, minimally, to subdue and restrain over excited emotions in order to yield to God the glory He deserves in all circumstances of life. When emotions lead, we contradict the Truth we profess verbally. For instance:

We might say, “God is wise” while acting as if He is out of control. 

We might say, “God is omnipotent” while acting like His power is limited.

We might say, “God can do anything” while acting as if He is doing nothing.

We might say, "God is wise" while acting like we know a better way.

To be still and know that God is God reflects the Savior on the cross. Taunted with, “if you are the King, call angels and come down from the cross”, Jesus did not get emotional. Of course Jesus had the power to come down, but He didn't have the will to come down. Why? Because in Wisdom He remained still and yielded to the plan God had for Him.

No one can be as still and yielded as Christ because "be still" is a command to those born with a principle of fallen motion toward death. But when emotions get over excited we could all "be still" enough to remember and "know" who God is and what He has done. Fear not, "what is impossible with man is possible with God" (Luke 18:27).


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