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Defense Against Destruction


"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." (Hosea 4:6)

Two main reasons God's people lack knowledge are that preachers corrupt the Word (Hosea 4:7-8) and hearers of the corrupted Word are more "respecters of persons" (Acts 10:34-35, Romans 2:11) than they are defenders of Truth. The corruption is rooted in pride; the failure to defend, in cowardice. Alternatively, a preacher or a hearer could simply be ignorant of some Truth, but ignorance is resolved in the same way pride and cowardice are, through knowledge and understanding of the Word.

Generally, corrupted preaching comes through professionalism or scholarship, both insidious tempters of pervading human pride. The first contains eloquent style, copious jokes, personal stories, and 'relevant topics' to please itching ears (2 Timothy 4:3). The second recites numerous authoritative human interpretations, without the Word interpreted in, and by, its own authority (exposition).

Don't ask, "is a preacher eloquent and relevant", or "what do scholars say that it means"? Ask "it true following a thorough exposition where Scripture interprets scripture and God in Christ is glorified?". Preaching is not expert elocution meant to win friends, influence enemies, or advance scholarship.

No book is mis-quoted or maligned more than the Bible. It is not for us to judge the hearts of others, it is our job to listen to the message (not the mouthpiece) and defend the Word of Truth. When you defend the Truth, the Truth will defend your soul against destruction. The important question for the individual though, even more important that what the preachers say or do is, "what am I doing to know and understand the full Word of God?".


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