"He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him." (Isaiah 53:3a)
In spite of all the sorrow and grief He endured, Jesus never doubted that He would become our salvation; reign forever and ever; gather a family from all the peoples of the earth to live in perfect fellowship with Him; and fully transform the children of Adam (earth, earthy) to be sons and daughters of God (spirit, spiritual). Jesus never doubted that His work would make us new men and women, new creations, in newness of life, in the new heavens and the new earth.
Even when He hung on the cross, in agony, being mocked and tormented – He never doubted this. What might each of us face today, into which we could cast the light of Christ’s optimism about what He has already done for us and will surely come to pass?
May God give us strength to love and serve Him with optimistic eyes, always turned toward Him. Though worldly optimists would have you believe you are the hero of your life, their optimism regularly dies and resurrects in new false hopes. Merely human optimism dies when humans die. Christ is the Hero or there is no hero, because death is the villain.