"I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." (Psalm 34:4)
If I had been asked "what one thing is most important to pray for?", several years ago, I would have answered, "to be delivered from all my fears".
Fear is a failure to trust God. The greatest fear is the fear of death and judgement (whether acknowledged or not) before a Holy God, all other fears are lesser and derivative. When fear of judgment is relieved by trusting in Christ, love toward God grows as all other fears are progressively relieved.
That truth notwithstanding, fear will be some part(s) of life until we are with the Lord. But my dear progeny, when bothered by fears, don't run from them, run toward Christ. Today, if I were asked, "what is the most important prayer?", I would say:
to see Christ more clearly,
to love Him more dearly,
to follow Him more nearly,
day by day.
That will deliver you from all your fears. Fear looks at corruption and its results without looking at Grace. Looking at Christ, we see Grace without corruption. Let the Grace of Christ master the fear of death and all the lesser fears that precede it. Jesus Christ is not narrowed to less than His infinite self by finite fears; He has center everywhere and circumference nowhere. Trust Him for salvation and every smaller thing that precedes the full realization it.