Psalm 3:5-6 "I lay down and go to sleep; I wake up again, because Jehovah sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands that are drawn against me on every side."
Tens of thousands were drawn against Christ everywhere, all the time, and in everything to exert pressure toward failure as the substitutionary sacrifice and imputed righteousness. The pressure must have been unimaginable because He was fully human (subject to all the same difficulties that we are) and fully Divine (without sin). When Christ's followers experience a tiny, tiny little bit of "tens of thousands drawn against" them, they often lose sleep. Faith in God would suggest that followers simply "lay down and go to sleep" because Jehovah sustains, even if only to wake again in Glory.
Insomnia is mostly due to fear of or worry about things that have not yet happened. Whatever happened today and whatever will come tomorrow are in the hand of God for His glory and the eternal benefit of those united to Christ. So for now, lay down and go to sleep. Tomorrow, when things may (or may not) actually materialize in the way you feared or worried about - God promises extra grace.