The letter below is a paraphrase of Galations 5. Note that the word 'circumcision' is substited with the phrase 'getting it right'.
Dear Loved Ones,
Stand firm in the spiritual liberty with which Christ has set you free, and don’t be entangled with legalistic constraints ever again. Literally, Paul says that if you are “getting it right” - Christ is of no use to you. Because, as you have heard before, every man who is “getting it right” in his own eyes, is required to get everything right in the whole law of God. Whoever is thinking to be justified by thier own law of “getting it right” is apart from Christ, fallen from Grace (unmerited favor). Why? Because it is by the Spirit that we wait for the full hope of righteousness, and that is by faith (not works).
You were running well toward Christ; but what things hold you back from obeying the truth in faith, rather than in works? The desire for works in your own righteousness does not come from Christ who called you. Be vigilant because even a little bit of “getting it right” impacts your whole self and those around you.
I have confidence in you through the Lord, that you will be of a continued mind in Christ, but this idea of “getting it right” should be judged and rejected each time it arises, whether it comes from inside you or outside you. Why would Paul preach “getting it right” (although if he did he could have escaped persecution)? He wouldn’t preach that – because it would take away the offense of the cross(1Cor 1:17-18).
I pray that the idea of “getting it right” will be rejected by you because you have been called to liberty; not to use liberty as an occasion to do whatever your flesh desires, but to serve others in love. All of the law of God is fulfilled in one saying, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as yourself”. (And how would you know how to love yourself, or your neighbor rightly unless you are in a loving relationship – not of constraints by law – but with love toward God who called you?)
If you bite and devour each other, beware – you will be consumed by your own sin and the attack of others. Instead, walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfil the lust of the flesh, whose nature is to “get it right” and then to “bite and devour” others because they haven’t “gotten it right”. Listen, our flesh will always fight against our spirit because they are enemies – this is why we are never able to “get it right” as we (in the Spirit) desire. But if you continue in the Spirit, you are not under the condemnation of the law of God.
Now it’s important to remember where the flesh, in trying to “get it right” will of necessity end. It ends in things like fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, strife, jealousy, wrath, factions, divisions, heresies, envy, murder, drunkenness, reveling and things like that. In the past you may have thought nothing of these things, but I tell you now that those who are content in these things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Not because of keeping the law, but because of living in the Spirit we are unsatisfied with these things in us and God makes it possible to grow in and toward the fruit of the Spirit.
What are the fruits of the Spirit? Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance – there is no law against any of these things!! You can live in them and grow in them intentionally and continuously – because you are IN Christ. Those who are in Christ have crucified their own flesh – with it’s affection and lust for “getting it right” – in favor of cultivating the fruits of the Spirit.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit, not desiring excessive elation or pride in “getting it right”, or in provoking others who differ from us, or in envying each other.
Love 😊