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Narcissus and a Loving Friend (2)


"but I say to you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that spitefully use you, and persecute you"  Matthew 5:44

A Narcissus is his or her own worst enemy because rigid and maladaptive life-theatre is successful in maintaining the god of self. Even when the whole theatrical show comes crashing down, Narcissus simply moves locations leaving others to live in the wake of his or her devastation - he or she simply adopts a new, unchallenged theatrical persona. The only truly loving friend to a Narcissus is the one that speaks and lives Truth toward him or her, but the truth-telling friend is aggressively hated and attacked most in order to avoid the theatre-dismantling effects of facing Truth.

In contrast, Christ followers in spirit and Truth learn progressively to find and repent of their own Narcissus inner self, and through the work of the Holy Spirit, more and more identity and love themselves as a new creature in Christ. As a response of love toward God, self and other humans are rightly viewed and loved as uniquely created individuals that are integral in the redemptive plan of God, and in personal growth toward the fullness of Christ. Ultimately and eternally therefore, no Narcissus is an enemy to a Christ follower.

Immediately and temporally though, there are a vast and heinous array of hurts caused by Narcissi, whether redeemed or not, whether inside self or from others. In the aftermath of these hurts, Christ commands His followers to love toward the enemy as He loves toward His followers. Loving Narcissi is exceptionally difficult. It hurts deeply to find Narcissi in self and repent, and it hurts deeply to be affected by Narcissi in others.


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