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"So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:14-16)

Spiritual coldness is presumptuous with God, running headlong into reckless sin. God often utilizes the painful consequences of that to humble and correct. Like David with Bathsheba, Uriah, and finally the prophet Nathan. (2 Samuel 11-12, 1 Kings 1-2, Psalm 51)

Spiritual heat is prideful with God, running headlong into unrestrained self-righteousness. God often utilizes the painful consequences of that to humble and correct. Like Peter who would never deny the Lord. (Matthew 26:35, 69-75)

Spiritual neutrality hangs out in comfortable compliance, concerned only with how it feels and looks. Like Judas among the disciples of Jesus. Until something else felt or looked better that is. In Judas's case, 30 pieces of silver. (Matthew 26:14-16, Acts 1:18)

My dear ones, perhaps like Switzerland there are legitimate reasons for national neutrality in world affairs. I couldn't say. But spiritually? I beg of you, be hot or cold if you must, because it is likely to lead to a Gracious correction. Never be satisfied with neutrality.

The great God, upon whose errand we have entered the world, has appointed an organic, reciprocal, interlocking, progressive relationship between His-story and our-story. The sovereign God ordained participation. So participate. All saints (those set apart by God), past and future, participate badly in their spiritual journeys. God can be trusted to perfect us by Grace, through many humbling corrections.


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