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Ode to the Christ Child


"Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her Beloved?"

Song of Solomon 8:5

Her Beloved, the Lover of her soul... Love before all time, glorious, grand design, Word the earth did make.

When fallen, wrenched groans rang out,

...she long awaited for a Birth,

...that wrath for Justice would be poured,

...on Life, through Death to rise again,

...and now from Heaven, pleads for her.

The beloved, by Lover of Her soul,

...was fallen, dead in sin, wild, badland wastes,

...but made to seek and find.

And now, the Lover of her soul, born in time and in her heart,

...when deeply troubled given rest,

...and hearing whispers 'you are Mine',

...she cometh up a-leaning on Beloved.

May she see Him more clearly,

Love Him more dearly,

Follow Him more nearly,

today and everyday.


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