My dear, dear Father, grant me mountains of treasures (Matthew 6:19-21)...
...the faith of Abraham, (Genesis 12:1)…to go, not knowing where, fully why or for how long.
Grant me the courage of Deborah, (Judges 4-5)…to lead in, and speak Truth when leaders of God's people are wrongly silent.
Grant me the surrender of Isaac, (Genesis 22:6-8) lay still on the altar of sacrifice.
Grant me the devotion of Hannah, (I Samuel 1-2)…to persevere in prayer and claim the heritage.
Grant me the vulnerability of David, (Psalm 51)…to embrace the pain of my sin, yet trusting God’s salvation.
Grant me the spiritual insight of Huldah, (II Kings 22,34)…to be sought out by those seeking a word of Truth.
Grant me the boldness of Elijah, (I Kings 18:18)…to stand before kings and say, you are the trouble for leaving the Lord and His commands.
Grant me the historical force of Jochebed, (Exodus 6, Numbers 26)…to walk humbly, accomplishing monumental tasks with quiet wisdom.
Grant me the sacred sorrow of Jeremiah, (Lamentations 3)…to lament with passion and yet always confess, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Thy mercies are new every morning.
For the sake of my dear, dear Lord Jesus Christ. Amen