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Piercing the Heart of Pride


Humility stoops low enough to miss the bullet piercing the heart of pride.

The Apostle Paul said 'we are living and walking in bodies of flesh but we are not fighting a war in the same way that humankind fights a war.  Our weapons are not from this world but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; these weapons cast down imaginations, and every proud thing that elevates itself against the knowledge of God, and brings every thought of man into captivity under the obedience of Christ.' (paraphrase 2 Cor 10:4-5)

The world and the visible church are dominated by psyop messaging that elevates human pride above true humility. A few examples of this messaging includes:

  • salvation attributed to human decision as opposed to the work of God in Christ;

  • godliness as adherence to forms while denying Christ, the power thereof;

  • social structures engineered by imagination while ignoring God's design;

  • and justice practiced while ignoring the law of God.

The problem is not first with the messaging but with the human pride elevating itself above the knowledge of God's revealed plan and the stated purpose of Christ's work.

Noah elevated the knowledge of God's revealed plan and stated purpose above human pride in the face of derisive and scornful contemporaries to:

  • respond obediently,

  • state truth like a drumbeat,

  • wait patiently,

  • and work diligently. 

Noah missed the terrifying bullet that pierced the heart of his prideful contemporaries when 'God saved eight souls alive'. The prideful scorners of that day 'caught' the deluge of God's just judgment against sin.

All disciples of Christ will join Noah, to miss the bullet of God's eternal, just judgment against sin when their souls are saved alive. This is true only because Christ caught that bullet in His heart, in His perfectly humbled state as fully God and fully man.


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