"The eternal God is your refuge, And underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before you, And will say, ‘Destroy!'" (Dueteronomy 33:27)
Speedy justice does not generally overtake outrageously evil sinners and sometimes evil gathers strength in a swelling wave-force whose terrifying crest crashes with tsunami-like devastation on all those in its path. They are engulfed by waves and waves of sweeping destruction that bring overwhelming pain, grief and helplessness. By faith though, a devastated believer will confess that "it is well with my soul". The mere presence of conscious faith at such a time, no matter how weak, is evidence of the unseen God. Literally, at such a time nothing but God and the gift of faith could hold one in faith.
I hope no reader has or will experience the devastation I've described. But whatever level of devastation is experienced, know that no matter what happens, a soul in Christ:
...is ultimately the one and only thing that matters.
...will lose every earthly thing, and gain every heavenly thing.
...will fear a lifeless soul more than temporal pain and death.
...will realize that eternal devastation is deserved but has been escaped.
For a redeemed soul in the aftermath of devastation, there is no justification (although much temptation) to retain anger, bitterness, and/or thoughts of vengeance. Whatever has been, and whatever comes, "For me (and you) to live is Christ, to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21) Christ delivers us from eternal guilt and He redeems us from eternal destruction but sometimes He does it through temporal destruction. God is not a destruction-fixer for the sake of a placid earthly life, so His love doesn't compromise. His love will make you what you should be to take your place in His eternal Home, no matter what it takes.