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Three Unbreakable Things


"Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love"

(1 Corinthians 13:13).

If the gift of faith (in Jesus Christ) has been received, love (of Divine origin) has been applied then (certain) hope will follow. These three things cannot be broken because they originate from an all-powerful, transcendent, and eternal source. It is however possible to enter a period of spiritual malaise in which the cares of the world, indwelling sin, and/or the attacks of Satan, cause a loss of awareness of the unbreakable things.

If you seem to have lost...

  • faith, you've forgotten who you belong to. (John 6:37-39)

  • hope, you've forgotten where you are going. (Psalm 16:11, Luke 23:43)

  • love, you have forgotten who you are(Matthew 12:48-50)

Remember: Jesus Christ. His Presence. His family.  

A gentle reminder may be all that is needed to return to awareness of, and victory in, the three forever-lasting unbreakable things. By comparison, anything other than faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ breaks as easily as cracking eggs.

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