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In Psalm 41:11 Jesus Christ said of Himself, (King David speaking of himself): "by this I know that You (Father) have favored me, because my enemy has not triumphed over me!"  

King David's enemy was a political force while Christ's arch enemy was the Devil, attempting to deceive Jesus in human flesh (Luke 4:1-13), just as he had successfully deceived Adam. Jesus' triumph was to remain pure so that He could hang faultless on the cross and subsequently rise again.

While our souls are never fully perfected on earth, we are preserved in Christ as if they were. No matter which of many enemies you might face (your wayward heart included), your soul is viewed by the Father just as the perfect soul of Christ. David was able to say (of himself) that the Lord's Holy One will not "see corruption" (Psalm 16:10, Acts 13:35), because the triumph of Christ applied to David just as it does to you.

Some parts of life are indescribably awful, I admit and embrace the pain of that. But in the awful parts there is the indescribably beautiful truth that Christ's enemy cannot triumph over my soul because he did not triumph over Christ's. I can't think of anything more profitable to focus on in time's of deep distress. A triumphant soul, even if through the awful pounding of God’s hammer, is better than a soul left alone to its own devices.


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