"You (Jesus) will show me (a sojourner) the path of life (the Way). What is life? It is "in Your presence (Jesus)" with "fulness of joy; at Your right hand" where "there are pleasures for evermore." (Psalm 16:11)
Acute fears and unreasonable expectations are prevalent during the period leading up to presidential elections. The result is faith-like fervor that sparks many conflicts. Instead of sinful conflict, let us address our acute fears (Psalm 34:4) and unreasonable expectations (Psalm 62:5) by looking to Jesus Christ, "the author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2). Whatever comes, God will give grace to bear (2 Cor. 12:9).
Jesus Christ is the only savior and God's Word reveals that all the nations throughout history have, and will, rise and fall. This nation is no different, it just happens to quite advanced in its fall. Nothing will reverse that or slow that down except for the spread of the gospel and the work of the Spirit. Honestly, without the Gospel, nothing else matters.
Election participation should include investigation and prayer that concludes with a vote believed to contribute to the free, freer or freest expression of the Gospel; every other consideration is ancillary to that. At all times the nations are raging and the peoples plotting (Psalm 2:1), but God sits in the heavens and laughs (Psalm 2:4). Don't let's us be raging and plotting with the foolish nations. Calmly and quietly follow the Master.
Brothers and sisters, there are no 'Christian' nations. There have been (are) nations that by the Grace and miraculous power of God reflect truths of divine order and justice relatively more or less. But underneath and throughout all nations there is a churning underbelly of evil. And if we are honest, there have been (and are) as many evil elements in this nations history as there are Biblical reflections. Swimming against the tide of God's sovereignty will not change its direction: rest in the Lord, vote for the Gospel, and ride with His tide.