"...bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ..." (2 Corinthians 10:5b).
Abominations creep in through well meaning people failing to recognize (or unwilling to challenge) subtle and insidious errors. An example is the teaching tool, Teaching for Transformation, popular among Christian Schools. The stated goal is to teach "habits and practices that both form the learners and transform God's world around them". The learning habits such as "curious thinking", and practices such as "justice-seeker" are not the issue.
To suggest that spiritual formation, that is, from "dead in sin" to "alive in Christ" (Ephesians 2:1-5) is the result of teaching habits and practices is an abomination. Spiritual formation is the result of an intimate, relational union with Christ alone, initiated by God.
To suggest that the "transformation of the world around" students will be the result of learned habits and practices is an abomination. Nothing will augment or diminish what Christ has done in overcoming this world (John 16:33), or transform this present world from what it is, fallen and cursed, into something else. This world will end as it has been since the fall: cursed and sin-filled. When, and only when, Christ returns, the New Earth will come down (Revelation 21:1-5). Christ alone is the cause. The turmoil of the world population around us will certainly remain, and likely increase, regardless of any habits and practices.
God forms and transforms by the Father's will, Spirit's power, and the Son's work. It is obedient to teach, learn, and develop godly habits and practices. It is (not so) subtle and insidious error to teach and/or learn habits and practices while claiming that the teaching, or the habits and practices, "form learners" to "transform God's world around them". This is a new way to say, "you will be as gods" (Genesis 3:5). Truth is always in Christ alone.